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Politik og Samfund Her er det tilladt at diskutere politik , nyheder og andre samfundsproblemer. Hvis du har problemer med at andre udtrykker deres uforbeholden mening om vores samfund, så er dette nok ikke stedet for dig.

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Gammel 06-05-2023, 10:17   #1
Tilmeldingsdato: 04-02 2009
Lokation: København
Alder: 60
Indlæg: 968
Styrke: 0
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Ask Not Why The Children Shouldn't See Drag Queens!
Ask Why Drag Queens Crave An Audience Of Children!"


Matt Walsh - What Is a Woman? (Full Documentary) [June 1, 2022]
Arrives Just In Time For The Sick Satanic LGBTQIA+ Pride Month!

The Plan to Legalizing Pedophilia 'Minor Attracted Person' (MAP) in Plain Sight! [18.01.2023]

Children Systematically Planned LGBTQIA+ 'Transed Out' & Transformed![11.12.2022]

So Who is 'Libs of TikTok'? Information Warfare - Depths of Hell! [17.06.2022]

What is Really Going on in Hollywood?
"The Truth is Learned, Never Told!"
Out of Shadows Official 2020 The Documentary (11.04.2020)

Out of Shadows Official 2020 The Documentary (UK Edition) [11.04.2020]
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Gammel 06-05-2023, 10:18   #2
Tilmeldingsdato: 04-02 2009
Lokation: København
Alder: 60
Indlæg: 968
Styrke: 0
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What is the Real Fucking PLAN-Demic?

Just like in Denmark... Video Playlist below:

Systematic Pedophilia & Child Trafficking BIG trives in Denmark Part 1-28

The Sick Satanic LGBTQIA+ & Pedophile Supportive Sexual Derailed Drug Consuming Controlled Opposition Psyops Psychopaths and Their Servants are everywere!

And why won't people talk about this Pedophilia?

There is NO such thing as a 'Coincidence'!

“Your Silence Gives Consent” - Plato (423–348 BC)

And Many of the Danish public 'Freedom Fighters' support this satanic LGBTQIA+ and Pedophile Agenda - Documented!

And they don't even hide it, no they write and talk proudly about it in public.

And I know the most of them in person (did) also many of the Danish Politicians and, like my 'boss' the last about 3 years...

And really many people as politicians, public opinion makers and 'independent' media are also sick sexually derailed, it is in MSM almost daily. You want proof ? Here's some and I have many more...

How many 'Coincidences' does it take before people Fucking 'WAKE UP' and can 'see' it is systematic?

Thinks are 'connected' and There is NO such thing as a 'Coincidence'!
Just like in Denmark... Documented!

Systematic Pedophilia & Child Trafficking BIG Thriving in Denmark Part 1 - 27.

Part 1 Frihed eller Fascisme? [Pædofili] Demo Copenhagen, Denmark 02.12.2020

Part 2 The Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod is still a pedophile ... documented [13.02.2021]
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the judicial system protect him.

Part 3 Nanna Fri - Forbryder eller Frihedskæmper? [16.03.2021]

Part 4 Men in Black, Denmark Demonstration Copenhagen 'Constitution Day' [05.06.2021]

Part 5 https://www.bitchute.com/video/fD5QOJ7lT8jg/ (intro) [24.07.2021]

Part 6 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8ChKZXdXxuOO/ (Nanna Fri) [24.07.2021]

Part 7 https://www.bitchute.com/video/h5RcIgIfQoom/ (Per Rye Dannerfjord)[24.07.2021]

Part 8 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ENwaM7ZP6cbH/ (Anette Fri-Vilje Aurora)[24.07.2021]

Part 9 https://www.bitchute.com/video/MwQi4bvBgJfM/ (A Message to the World from Denmark)[24.07.2021]

Part 10 https://www.bitchute.com/video/JjPC6CukGvTG/ (Christina Pihl Rasmussen)[24.07.2021]

Part 11 https://www.bitchute.com/video/FRZYAJwfdTh4/ (Per Rye Dannerfjord)[24.07.2021]

Part 12 https://www.bitchute.com/video/cMqiOdQPT8x6/ (Jeanette Strauss)[24.07.2021]

Part 13 https://www.bitchute.com/video/BKA1ernBpITx/ (Mads Krarup Nielsen)[24.07.2021]

Part 14 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ReHMLgASAmof/ (Claus Kristiansen)[24.07.2021]

Part 15 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8HWnwTKWufd1/ (Danny N Andersen (Dna))[24.07.2021]

Part 16 https://www.bitchute.com/video/00JROcQ92wak/ (Heidi Svanborg [20.08.2021]

Part 17 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q44yMAQ2QkUd/ (Nathalie 6 år) [17.09.2021]

Part 18 https://www.bitchute.com/video/E0CrUtw9Sjtj/ (Anette Fri-Vilje) [21.09.2021]

Part 19 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jqu7o9sj4UP0/ (Child Demostration d 10.10.2021)

Part 20 Another 'Warning' from YouTube + Situation Update Denmark [28.10.2021]

Part 21 Systematisk Pædofili & Børnehandel Stortrives i Danmark Part 17

Part 22 'De Pædofile Danskere', Del 1+2 [04.06.2018] -

Part 23 Systematisk Pædofili & Børnehandel Stortrives i Danmark! Part 19 [04.07.2022]

Part 24 Danish Politician Pernille Skipper Ø: Kan mænd føde børn? Can men give birth to children? [02.08.2022]

Part 25 A Message to SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkoner Part 1 [16.08.2022]

Part 26 A Message to SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkoner - Part 2 [22.08.2022]

Part 27 A Message to SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkoner Part 3 - The End! [28.08.2022]

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Gammel 07-05-2023, 21:23   #3
Tilmeldingsdato: 04-02 2009
Lokation: København
Alder: 60
Indlæg: 968
Styrke: 0
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Links for source, verification and research under all my videos!

There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'!

Nicholson1968: Building the Perfect Beast-Illuminati's Black Gold Project! [04.05.2023]

DoUSeeWhatEyeC? - 'Last Kingdom is a Mix of Iron and Clay' - Daniel 2:43

Links for source, verification and research under all my videos!
There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'!



Nicholson1968: Selling You Safety, But Its All About CONTROL! [06.05.2023]

Links for source, verification and research under all my videos!
There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'!

DoUSeeWhatEyeC? - 'Last Kingdom is a Mix of Iron and Clay' - Daniel 2:43



We Don't Vaccinate! - The Myths and Reality of the Vaccination Campaigns! {2015[

A documentary film by Michael Leitner (2015) - English version.
Links for source, verification and research under all my videos!
There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'!



The 'End' of the Agenda 2030 Fake COVID-19 'Virus' PLAN-Demic Scam! (Trailer) [May 5, 2023]

Note: Yeah... I Fucking wanna see it before I believe it, People are to Fucking Brainwashed Stupid Morons to accept that.. 99,99 of people I know and meet still believe that 'viruses' exist and refuses to watch and research the videos and documentation that proves it...


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Gammel 07-05-2023, 21:41   #4
Tilmeldingsdato: 04-02 2009
Lokation: København
Alder: 60
Indlæg: 968
Styrke: 0
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Let’s take a Look at the Firmament: The Wisdom of this World is Foolishness with God!

"Against Stupidity the Very Gods Themselves Contend in Vain" - Frederich Schiller (1759-1805)


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Gammel 12-07-2023, 09:32   #5
Tilmeldingsdato: 04-02 2009
Lokation: København
Alder: 60
Indlæg: 968
Styrke: 0
Kio er ny på vejen
Advokat Mads Krøger Pramming: Ingen Retssikkerhed Overhovedet! Det Hele er Korrupt!

Advokat Mads Krøger Pramming: Ingen Retssikkerhed Overhovedet! Det Hele er Korrupt! [Feb 8, 2018]

Dette er den syge verden vores børn skal vokse op i...
Og jeg fatter overhovedet ikke hvordan folk kan acceptere det! (Hvorfor længere nede)

Links til video:

Ubegribeligt hvordan jeg utallige gange siden 2017 og især da denne Corona 'Virus' PLAN-Demi systematisk lukkede hele verdenen ned i marts 2020 i samarbejde med WEF og UN Agenda 2030, har dokumenteret at Retssystemet, Dommere, Advokater, Politiet og Anklagemyndigheden alle systematisk bryder lovene, fordi de alle ved at de ikke bliver holdt til personligt ansvar.

Min tråd på K10 siden 2017 - 75 sider med 745 indlæg:
09-04-2017 Ulovlig sagsbehandling. Dokumenteret. Hvor er retssikkerheden?

17 Jul 2018 Liv Over Lov havner i principiel retssag
BEskriver præcist hvad der er foregået:

4 Jan 2019 Syg på kontanthjælp - forbryder eller frihedskæmper?

Det gælder alle folk der arbejder i offentlig tjeneste/embede, incl alle 'Sagsbehandlere', alle Politikere, Embedsfolk og noget som bl.a. advokat Mads Krøger Pramming også dokumenterede i Folketingets Beskæftigelsesudvalg d 8 Feb 2018.

Alle der arbejder i offentlig tjeneste/embede bliver systematisk og direkte ulovligt beskyttet af Retssystemet, dette er foregået siden Grundloven blev oprettet i 1849 og har været gældende siden.

Og De ved det alle sammen...




Jobcenter København - Københavns Kommune: https://www.facebook.com/groups/101795103800021

Min YT nr 2 - Jobcenter København - Københavns Kommune
109 subscribers - 28 videos

Hvordan kan Folk acceptere at dette er den verden vores børn skal vokse op i?

Ja, man kan så som de intellektuelle akademiske højt uddannede 'Friheds Kæmpere' 'snakke' om det... Præcist som Politikerne 'snakker' og har snakket om det i jeg ved ikke hvor mange år...

Og præcist som min 'chef' Politiker Ulf Harbo stadig 'snakker' om det...

"The Best Lies Contain The Most Truth!" - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Ulf Baldrian Kudsk Harbo: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006463864075

Og hvad er det så for en Retorik disse Psykopater systematisk bruger og har brugt i årevis UDEN at der sker en Skid?

Det hedder Doublespeak, Newspeak, Djøf-sprog og New Public Management (NPM) sprog.

Og noget jeg også har dokumenteret i årevis her et par dokumenterede eksempler:

Professor William Lutz C-SPAN Interview [1989]: What is Doublespeak? (NPM- and NewSpeak) 29.11.2020

Satanisten Sundheds- og Ældreministeren Magnus Heunicke med sit Djøf- og DoubleSpeak [29.04.2021]

Hvilke myndigheder anbefalede 'nedlukning' af Danmark? [28.05.2020 Debatten: Coronakrisens pris]

56 Sandhedsbeviser på Systematiske ulovligheder i årevis og ingen stilles til ansvar - Hænger tingene sammen?
Kim Osbøl·Lørdag den 22. maj 2021·

Professor dr. phil. Linda Maria Koldau 2013 Djøf-dansk og bullshit-kulturen
'The Further A Brainwashed Society Drifts From The Truth, The More It Will Hate Those Who Speak It.' - George Orwell [1903-1950]
If you are SILENT about your Beliefs because you are Worried someone will be 'Offended'...

Then your Beliefs are not so important to You, but rather what people think about you is...

When you Stand Up for what's right and True, You will receive both Hate and Love...

But everyone will know what you are Fighting for...
Enhver offentlig dansk 'Frihedskæmper' der er tavs om dette til folket er i min verden landforrædere.

Og jeg kan give en lang liste af navne her...

Og hvad gjorde de sande 'Frihedskæmper' ved landsforræderne efter Anden Verdenskrig?

"Your Silence Gives Consent!" - Plato (427—347 BCE)

'The Best Way to Control the Opposition, is to Lead it Ourselves!' - Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)

Oplæg ved Mads Pramming, Advokat om konkrete erfaringer fra retssystemet.

Del 12 af 17 i den taler-opdelte Playliste fra høringen om reformen af fleksjob og førtidspension onsdag den 31. januar 2018, kl. 10:00-15:00 i Landstingssalen på Christiansborg.

Link til Folketingets ikke-taler-opdelte TV-optagelse: https://mobiltv.ft.dk/video/20171/beu/tv.4232

Liv Over Lov
336 subscribers
11,500 views Feb 8, 2018

Sidst redigeret af Kio; 12-07-2023 kl. 11:27.
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Gammel 18-07-2018, 16:05   #6
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